Tuesday 14 April 2015

Cut the crap Coleman

Currently doing the rounds is a blog entitled RIP Madeleine. When we think of the abbreviation RIP, it evokes thoughts of respect, something the Coleman blog lacks in abundance. What is plainly obvious from the outset is that this is just another sensationalist, written by someone too lazy to research the case fully, or worse someone who thrives off putting totally untrue information into the public domain.

The blog states as fact that Madeleine was "brutally raped and tortured in a bloody Satanic ritual"


...and here's why. It all boils down to this, the person who wrote the blog has based their "findings" upon fictitious "evidence" and on doing so has merely contributed to the mass of lies circulating the internet about the case. Let's look at some of the claims this blog makes:

"Her death was the culmination of many months of horrific, sadistic abuse."

"She was being raped regularly by several members of a high-level paedophile ring and her abuse was being shared with many on the internet."

If indeed that was the case, then why do we see photographs of a happy Madeleine, a child who plays with a wide smile, playing happily? Hardly fits the bill of a child regularly abused, and tortured. Not only that, but if this blogger, had any evidence of abuse being shared on the internet, why simply state it, why not name and shame the sites that were showing it? Why?

 Because Billy Blogger is the bringer of bullshit!

The lies continue as old Billy lists his reasons for his outlandish and sick claims, here are some of those claims:

"That’s why Gerry stated so clearly on video that he was not in Praia de Luz for a holiday."

Gerry McCann didn't state that at all, what he actually said was "Fuck off, do you think I'm here to enjoy myself"
Crass? Yes. Inappropriate? Undoubtedly. A clue that he intended to partake in the Satanic abuse and murder of his daughter? Only if you live on planet Zog!

"That’s why Dr David Payne spoke so graphically about his sexual feelings towards Madeleine."

Make your own mind up about this one,  what Billy is referring to is a statement from Katherina Gaspar, who on a previous holiday, overheard a conversation between Gerry and David Payne,  in which she believes Payne was making a sexual gesture. No names were mentioned, and she didn't think to mention it until years later. Without doubt it should be investigated, but to cite the Gaspar statement as proof, is disingenuous. 

"That’s why Gerry’s paedophile past was wiped from the CATS sex-abuse register."

Where's that brick wall? This claim is not only untrue, but it couldn't be true. There is no such thing as a CATS sex abuse register. The CATS system, or Case Administration Tracking System, was set up as a one stop shop for all cases regarding crimes involving children. It was a location that all agencies involved in the case could pool their investigations, so all parties could sing from the same hymn sheet. 

Both Kate and Gerry McCann's name was on this file, that was opened in 2007, it is not the sex offenders register.


Now if Billy Blogger had done his research he could have questioned why Jim Gamble, former head of CEOP denies the file ever existed, despite proof to the contrary, but no, he simply lies to thousands, and calls it the sex abuse register. Smart!

"That’s why Clarence Mitchell, who had already covered-up Jill Dando’s murder, was called in to cover-up Madeleine’s."

Now Clarence "Porky Pie" Mitchell, is without doubt a dirty, cash for lies, piece of shit. He told countless lies as PR spokesman for the McCanns, he worked for the government as head of media monitoring, but did he cover up the Jill Dando murder? Hardly, he didn't even work for the Government at the time of Jill Dando's death, he was a journalist. Yes he covered the case, but so did many others. Billy is just making the facts suit his agenda here.

"That’s why Gerry and many of his friends were allowed to escape, scot-free, from Operation Ore when police were about to expose high-ranking, child-raping scum."

Here we go again, there are many rumours that Tony Blair slapped a D notice on findings from Operation Ore when the investigation uncovered many of his Government colleagues. Do I believe it? Yes I do, it's totally feasible, but our super reliable Billy, is just throwing Gerry McCann in there to further his crazy claims. I have NEVER seen McCann's name linked to Operation Ore. 

"That’s why everybody gathered at Mark Warner’s to have their pick of young children to rape and also to witness the death of Madeleine."

"Everybody", who is everybody? Where are these other children that were "raped", the resort was full of young children, there isn't a scrap of evidence, not even a whisper to suggest any other children came to any harm. 

"That’s why highly trained sniffer dogs, Eddie and Keeler, picked up the scent of Madeleine’s blood in 10 locations."

What a crock of shit, Eddie and KEELA, (Billy is so aware of their work, he can't even get Keela's name right) did alert, and their alerts would prove to be the crux of the investigation, but 10 alerts to Madeleine's blood? Billy is either totally misinformed or has made this up. Eddie's alerts are pretty damning, especially toward Kate McCann. He was trained to alert to the scent of human blood, and human cadaver, (the scent of a dead body) Keela was trained to alert to human blood only. Both dogs alerted to areas within the McCann's apartment, there was however no blood traces found that could be directly linked to Madeleine. It would be very easy to say, "Keela alerted, that must be Madeleine's blood", but it is simply unfounded. The alerts to concentrate on are Eddie's. He alerted to the scent of cadaver on Kate McCann's trousers, her top, a T-shirt said to belong to Madeleine, the flower bed outside. These alerts, weren't corroborated by the blood only dog, therefore it is a safe bet that by ruling out blood, that Kate McCann had been in direct contact with a human corpse. Only one person was missing, you do the maths. Here is a list of where the dogs alerted:

Keela alerted to human blood in:
The living room, behind the sofa, close to the external window of the apartment.
In the McCanns’ hired Renault Scenic, hired 25 days AFTER Madeleine's disappearance.
On the car key.
In the interior of the car boot.
Eddie alerted to the scent of human cadaverine:
The wardrobe in the McCann's bedroom.
In the living room, behind the sofa, close to the external window of the apartment. (the same place as Keela).
The veranda of 5a.
In the garden of the apartment.
The flower beds in the back of 5a.
The steps leading down from the patio.
Also, a ‘lighter’ scent of death was found in the flower beds in the back yard, near the foot of the steps leading down from the patio.
On two items of Kate's clothing.
On a T shirt belonging to Madeleine.
On cuddlecat (Madeleine's soft toy)
Not only that, but out of several cars in a car park Eddie only alerted to one, the McCanns' hire car.


"That’s why Madeleine was also raped after her death ( necrophilia- just like Jimmy Savile )."

Where the hell does Billy pluck this one from? Totally baseless, unsubstantiated, disrespectful BULLSHIT!

"That’s why a photo of a dead Madeleine was posted around the world."

Which world was that then? certainly not earth, where the rest of the human race live.

"That’s why a clue was deliberately left , hidden in plain sight , for us by pretending to call Madeleine, Maddie ( anagram :I’M DEAD)."

A clue? The only clue posting that gave us is that the person, (Billy Bullshit), who posted this blog is a desperate fantasist. The stuff he has posted as fact, simply isn't, his theory has more holes than a sieve. It's not even as theory, not one iota of it is fact. 

Gerry McCann once said:

"And, in fact, one of the slight positives in all of this is that there is so much rumour about what did and didn't happen, it's actually very difficult, if you're reading the newspapers, watching TV, to know what is true and what's not." 

I Put it to Billy, that the purpose of his blog is to set as many people as possible off on a wild goose chase. Sensationalism sells, it's easier to digest than facts, you only have to look at the MSM to see that.

Do I think the McCann's murdered their daughter as described by Billy? Absolutely not.

Do I think they covered her death up? Yes. 100% 

Do I know what is fact and what is fiction? Yes.

Where did I find out the facts?


Where did I find out more?



